Nichola Orrey Joins Raff PT
New PT Joins Raff PT!
Due to there not being enough hours in the day to deal with the number of requests I get for Personal Training sessions with Raff PT, I’m so pleased to introduce Nichola who will be running PT sessions from Raff PT headquarters. Many of you know Nichola already and I know she can’t wait to get started.
Nichola Orrey – Personal Trainer and Somatic Movement Teacher
I discovered traditional Resistance Training in my early twenties, then after having children in my mid-thirties I wanted to find a way of being strong and mobile for life and to help others to achieve that. I retrained from my previous career in Event Logistics and Television Production to become a Personal Trainer at the age of 40.
I am an Essential Somatic Movement Teacher and Natural Movement Practitioner. In addition, I work with clients who want to improve their health and fitness as part of Cancer Rehabilitation, Mental Health and Exercise Referral for specific medical conditions or diagnoses.
I have for a long time been interested in holistic practices and how people’s health and wellbeing are affected by physical, mental and emotional stress. I help you to get an understanding of how your hopes, fears, anxieties affect the tension in your body, and your health and wellbeing.
Personal Training with me is about improving your physical movement, practical, emotional and mental resilience to achieve your goals. I use natural human movement skills within my coaching of clients and in my own training to gain greater mobility, strength, and wellness. Using movement through play and experimentation. Making your changes in fitness and health less of a chore and more a way of life.
Private one-to-one Personal Training
Using functional & practical training skills. Encouraging you to use your body more effectively. Improving your physical movement means you perform better, increase your stamina. When you realise how much more you can achieve for yourself. You strengthen your mental resilience and motivation to achieve your goals.
Somatic Movement
A gentle neuromuscular practice which re-educates the neural pathways of the fight or flight response. Releasing blocks and tension in the muscles caused by trauma, injuries or repetitive postural habits. Increasing your range of movement and therefore performance by re-educating your postural habits.
When you reconnect with your body’s natural movement abilities – everything from exercise performance, to getting out of bed, to moving furniture, to family play, feels different.
Having had to abandon free weights for health reasons I wanted to switch to improving my functional fitness and flexibility. Nichola introduced me to Natural Movement training and the change in my flexibility in just a few months has been very noticeable. So much so that my golf improved – even getting my first hole in one.. Her depth of knowledge and how she incorporates that to her training is remarkable. The training sessions are always challenging but fun. Dave, Cheltenham
Somatics has helped me to start to understand my body better and work on problem areas. Having suffered a trauma with my lower back many years ago, and with a job that entails a lot of driving, my range of movement had become limited and ‘lop-sided’ – my brain was telling certain muscles that they couldn’t perform as ‘it would hurt’. Using Somatics with Nichola has enabled me to free up certain muscles and understand what I need to do to re-train my brain to allow me to have improved movement. The slow pace and focus needed has also been beneficial holistically. Susie, Gloucester
I have consistently used the techniques taught by Nichola. . I noticed a big shift in awareness of my body which enables me to identify better patterns of soreness and stiffness and help to release through the gentle movements. I have incorporated these techniques into my use of weights and this has led to increasing strength and range of movement. Caroline, Gloucester
Nicky introduced Somatic movement work into my personal training sessions over several months.
I have found it very beneficial to my physical and mental wellbeing. I suffer with various muscular problems in my back, hip and knee. After half an hour of a Somatic session any pain is noticeably better and I have more flexibility.
At first, I found it difficult to move slowly and mindfully, but the more I have practised the more in tune and aware I am of my body. I can now listen and respond to what my body is telling me. I find Somatic practice has also helped me hugely when I suffer with anxiety. Tuning in to my needs and adapting the movements when needed, the difference it can make is incredible. Catherine, Gloucester